How To Quit Smoking In 10 Steps

Quitting smoking should not be a struggle with the power of his will, or an endless battle with withdrawal symptoms. To successfully quit smoking, there are several key steps to take and several things you need to do. Contrary to what most people and "experts" think and say, using patches, gums will power and eating celery will get you nowhere.

Before seeing the ten steps to take to stop smoking, we briefly examine some statistics.

Studies have shown that only 16% of smokers who use nicotine replacement therapy (patches and gums etc) successfully quit, and only 10% of smokers who use willpower to succeed. Also, people who use these methods have yet to deal with cravings, pain, symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, weight gain and stress.

Not only that, but the method of willpower usually takes seven attempts before quitting successfully and after six months, most smokers either finish smoking method.

But 84% of people using replacement therapy like nicotine gum or patches - or try to rely on the will to power - doomed!

If you want to quit smoking in the shortest time with the least hassle and less stress, follow these ten simple but effective steps.

Honestly I want to make one - many smokers are forced to leave their families and children, doctors, businessmen and now the government of many countries around the world now enforce the ban on smoking in public. As you probably know, these various sources of pressure, it's just hard for you.

It's the same reason you probably want to strangle them when they say that "smoking will kill you" or "you have cancer or ....", etc. These things have the opposite effect - combine to tempt continue smoking.

It is therefore important that you want to quit for yourself, so bring your child / family in mind, but ultimately, stop yourself and the things you get when you go.

2 help thinking that it is "quit" or "Giving Up" smoking - by adopting this attitude, unfortunately, is as effective as taking one step forward and two steps back. Think of the word "quit" and "give up" - and suggest what they imply?

Basically, they both have an underlying negative subject - it is losing out, quit, having to do without, and go without overlooking something. That "something" is what you get from smoking.

And you are saying and thinking "quit" or "give" you say to yourself from subtle and focus on the things that you will deny yourself when you stop smoking. This is the same principle behind why diets do not work - you deny the same things you want, and not only that, but you are constantly focusing on them and desire for them.

The result is that no matter how hard you try, you still remember the "good" things that have to do without, basically, you will feel like you are depriving yourself of pleasure / relaxation, etc.

Instead of looking at the same things you get when you stop smoking, and fully concentrate and care of them. Think "I quit smoking and I'm saving an additional $ 2,000 per year, I feel ten times better, I can prove my meal, I can devote more time to my hobbies / with my kids, I n 'I shall not hide my breath cigarette of my partners / children / clients and I did not stand in the wind and rain for a smoke.

3 Set a day to quit smoking - and look forward to a new life thereafter. A problem that many smokers have when they get a date, is that they do nothing to fix a date. Then comes the date and get a panic because "is" and are now under pressure to stick with it, this source of stress panic - and that smokers are when they are stressed? Smoke!

Setting the date and smoke without guilt to date and follow the steps below to make sure you avoid the pitfalls of smoking common in the days and weeks before and after quitting.

4 Locate the things that make you smoke - smoking links. In addition to nicotine addiction, there are several other things that you smoke. Most of these things are people, events, situations, people and emotions.

For example, you smoke when you wake up on the way to work, after sex, when you pick up the phone with your tea or coffee when you have finished your meal, when you talk to your partner when you are stress, to relax before go on a long haul flight, when you meet your partner's parents for the first time, etc. All these situations and much, much more, or start turning around or end with a cigarette.

Once you've stopped smoking, and recurrence of these situations. So you need to remove those things, breaking associations, construction routine and find new ways to reach the feelings / satisfaction / result that you used to get from smoking. If you do not have a reason for smoking, why quit? !!

5 Accept that there will be problems - every day is full of ups and downs, it is a fact of life. So you have to plan how you will handle stress and smoking links. Remember that smoking will not put your kitchen fire, fix your flat tire, to get your work, fix your argument with your partner, resolve their financial problems, calm your nerves after a car accident or satisfy his most zealous patron.

You need to do two things, first find simple but effective ways to calm the nerves and reduce stress in a matter of seconds or minutes. Breathing techniques are a good option, but not necessarily all people prefer. So take a five minute break, playing with a stress ball, channel their aggression and stress and leave everything in a controlled manner - for example, sports, call a friend or close your eyes and forget the problem one minute.

Second, make and book a special time for relaxation and anti-stress. For example, planning a weekend, set aside a half hour at the end of each day to go jogging, go to work on a punching bag, read a book, take a bath, spend time with your partner / children without television or other distractions.

Know that there will be problems and accept that smoking is no longer an appropriate way to deal with them, and then find something else to help you.

6 Find a new hobby / source of fun to take your mind off smoking - which is crucial. Remember the previous point on the approach and "quit" and "quit Well, they do not always work because they are focusing on cigarettes. So you need to find one or two new things to focus.

A new hobby or two will do all three of these three things perfectly. It is very important that you find something or several things that meet these three requirements. If you do not, you yearning to find cigarettes and constantly thinking about them.

It is better to have two passions that you can spend a half hour or a day (if you look at the amount of time spent smoking is probably about an hour a day) and you can spend a weekend or more hours week. Try these hobbies that you can really get your teeth and participating in, do not forget the money saved to smoke, can now afford to spend a little extra money.

If you really get involved in their new hobby or forgot to show and prove to you that you can enjoy life without cigarettes.

7 Preparing and planning on how to avoid withdrawal symptoms and weight gain - these are the two most common reasons for relapse. Gain Weight and withdrawal symptoms should not be part of quitting. Media easies avoid both are eating !! However, eating the right kinds of foods.

The withdrawal symptoms are partly due to your body to realize that the level of blood sugar is very low. Nicotine blocks insulin release, which controls the rate of blood sugar. With the nicotine in your system - stores of sugar and fat are released into the blood - trick your body into thinking you've eaten.

When you stop smoking, insulin is republished the release of its reserves of sugar and fat (usually released when starving) and body realizes that he has not eaten enough stops. If you feel irritable and cranky - Withdrawal symptoms.

That's why you eat a lot when you quit smoking - because eating naturally feel good - that is comforting and also because it facilitates withdrawal symptoms. But the problem is overeating and gaining weight. Why? Because foods today do not have the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, if you eat too much food for "vital" that your body needs.

To solve the problem, you should drink plenty of fresh juice (which contains the vitamins and minerals your body needs) and taking supplements of vitamins and minerals and eat lots of fruits and vegetables and reduce the amount of junk food, frozen foods and prepared foods you eat.

8 When your stop smoking date arrives - take an hour to an hour and focus on the things that are going to get to quit.

If you think you have not had a cig since .... "or" I can not believe that I will never have a new cig "punish yourself. Accept that this is a positive step and shift their attention from cigarettes.

9 Establish new routines - what you will do instead of smoking in the 20 times a day or when you normally have a cigarette? for example, after coffee in the bar / pub, waiting for a friend, when nervous or lack confidence when they are bored, when you wake up, etc. Break your old patterns of behavior and s' stick to your new to old situations are re written without cigarettes.

10. prevent relapse - N ยบ 1 of this step is to stop thinking about cigarettes. Do not put your headaches, stress, arm pain or stress the lack of cigarettes.

And do not crave cigarettes thinking things like - "Ohhh cigarette looks super good, looks like she is really enjoying it, I wish I could have" or "What if my car is broken and I share with my partner, etc '

The other two things you can do to prevent relapse is to prevent weight gain and also avoid withdrawal symptoms - these are easy to avoid and not have to be part of quitting.

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